Friday, August 7, 2009

Lijiang and the promised land - Shangri La

I am feeling a bit too lazy to type today, so I just recorded a video blog. Just hit the play button and enjoy

Liu next to a canal. Notice her 1970's Japanese tourist floral pattern dress. nice

Woman using a loom to make scarfs

On a street walking towards downtown

Black clouds rolling down the valley. Black clouds covering up the sun.

I got into a sepia kick in the old town. I think it makes things look more authentic.

One of the old canals

another shot

Naxi women dancing.

Walking around the old town

Liu chomping down on some phish

Showing off her bling

old bridge in Lijiang

This little shop had not only a picture of Bob Marley (left), but of Willie Nelson (right of chinese guy's head). There is a rasta/hippy vibe in this part of the country.

See what I have to put up with! Notice that she has a Gene Simmons tongue. Nice.

Green mountains

Weird stuff in Lijiang. I would have prefered love tractor.

A street with no one on it. This is very rare in Lijiang.

I don't know what to say. Feel free to ad your own caption

Chillin' canal side waiting for my grub.

Attacking my western breakfast in Shangra la

Temple and prayer wheel (that golden thing spins around and around) above the old town in Shangra la

There was an rock slide ahead. Bus had to stop for a half hour. Liu wanted a picture above the traffic.

Large waterfall on the mountainside

Bored on yet another bus ride. I downloaded the Phish Red Rocks shows the night before. Made the trip a bit nicer. What no Destiny Unbound?

Prayer wheels in Shangra la

Long row of prayer wheels

Can you guess what these are used for alongside the road? Guess in the comments section, if you dare.

We dressed nice this day so we could give my mom a good picture.

Liu looking cool.

The temple complex where the monks live. Who is this middle eastern woman? She is hiding her face from the potent UV rays of this high altitude

Looking up at the temple complex from the bottom.

Liu outside the gates.

Me outside the monks quaters near the bottom. By the way I got myself a new "uropean Man Bag" made of leather. Only 15 dollars US and it is hand made. Go ahead and take your shots Courtney

Tibetean prayers on the rocks

Just a cool walkway covered with boulders

Some of the stairs leading to the top. The Tibeteans think of walking lots of stairs as a form of meditation. I am just wondering when these guys will get with the times and install an elevator.

View from the top looking down.

Liu looking so serious. Why so serious Liu?

The 80 year monk and I. He insisted we hold hands. How do you tell an 80 year old tibeten monk no? He was a cool old guy. Very friendly

Liu stopping to smell the flowers directly behind the old temple. These monks sure know how to party.

Some more indigenous plants around the monks homes.

Shangra la at night

Tibetans dancing in the main square of the old town in Shangra la

More dancing. It looks like the whole town showed up.

Liu in front of the horses, yaks, pigs, and chickens.

Drawing of the monestary. The monks asked us not to take pictures inside the temples (this is outside), so to respect their culture I haven't taken any.

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