Friday, September 26, 2008

Just a bunch of pictures from Beijing

I just gave you gold below, so these will be mostly just pictures. I had to head to Beijing to get my new passport. I took the overnight train from Xi'an to Beijing Monday night at 8 pm. Didn't sleep much, so I was pretty strung out most of the day. I took a taxi from the western train station to the U.S. Embassy and it cost 7 dollars US which is unheard of, most taxi's in Xi'an cost at most 2.00 US. The picture on the right is the US embassy in Beijing.

I arrived in Beijing at around 7:30. I was completely finished with my passport business by 9:45 a.m.. After dealing with the Chinese government, I have really begun to appreciate the efficiency of the US government.

The US embassy is located in more eastern Beijing and the Western train station in located in western Beijing. I decided to just walk the 10 miles back to the train station from the US embassy and hit the forbidden city and Tiananmen square on the way. It seemed like a great idea at the time.


Unknown said...

Hey Shawn,

Looks like you saw some cool things in Bejing. Keep the posts coming.


Katrin said...

thanks for answering my question! We're trying to live vicariously through you, so hearing about the differences between here and there is interesting.

Kit said...

Hey, good stuff Miller. Sounds like you have definitely been thrown out of your comfort zone, but I think that is awesome.

Keep the updates coming. Stacy and I are still trying to figure out when to come out. Send me some details on when is best for you in February.

Phish in Hampton on March 6,7 & 8th. Stacy says, "Hello Miller, hope all is well." Bella says "arff." Kilo says "I hate the dog."